
Saturday, December 01, 2007

'Tis The Season

Bia over at La Dolce Vita has tagged me with a meme, and I'm actually in the mood to play along. Maybe because it's easy. Plus, Anna has been working on an essay for A Christmas Carol for her ninth-grade English course; so the meme theme (hey! did I coin that phrase?) fits right into the Christmas Past, Present, and Future motif. Bia would like me to name 3 favorite gifts - my favorite one from Christmas past (as a child), one I enjoyed receiving now as an adult, and one I would like to receive in the future. No problem!

Christmas Past - I grew up Jewish, but I always went to my friend's house for Christmas Day when I was little. I'm sure I received many lovely, thoughtful, even price-y presents from my friend's parents throughout the years; but the one present I remember, the present that my friend and I jumped up and down in ecstasy over, was a little cardboard box full to the brim with Bazooka bubble gum. And it had a little handle to carry it around with. That's all it takes to make a child happy, folks. Sugar. Portable sugar.

Christmas Present - I always get chocolate with almonds. Always. Because, despite living with me for 17 years now, my husband has no idea what else to tell the kids to get me. When I mention this to him, he mutters, "Well, you don't like jewelry," as if that exhausts the list of gift alternatives to chocolate.

One year, my oldest, in a burst of gift-giving creativity, gave me a little doo-hickey that blows dust off my keyboard. So maybe chocolate isn't such a bad idea, after all.

Christmas Future - A baby. Yup, I love babies. Nothing better than a Christmas baby. I'm crazy.

And I'm dying to see what Barb and Sue and MadMad have to share on this topic.


  1. Portable sugar equals childhood happiness - lovely

  2. I'm with ya on the baby! We must be certifiably insane. But for the Christmas Present, I thought for sure you'd say "a kitchen floor".

  3. Love - Alas! Christmas Present had to be a gift you had already received for an adult Christmas. And there's no floor there, yet.

  4. HAHA! A Baby. That's too funny!

  5. You don't want a Christmas baby. I have one. And I have two more that were born in December too.

    But with a Christmas baby you are stuck at home with nothing to do, nothing good to watch on tv (unless you like football) no one else wants to cook and do all that is Christmassy. You would still be expected to do all of the Christmas shopping 9 months pregnant. then you will be hormonal and spend Christmas day and the new year all crying and just not happy.

    Then when that baby gets older, you get attitude because you dared have them to close to Christmas, thus they don't get all of their Christmas presents that they were supposed to because half of them would be counted as both brthday AND Christmas presents.

    Go for an early fall, or late winter baby - those are the best ones, LOL. I have had one in each season, and Christmas and middle of the summer - both of them were the worst.

  6. I'll trade some of my soap for some of your chocolate with almonds . . . that should totally confuse all the kids! God bless.

  7. I hope you enjoy your choclate almonds this year and maybe next year you will have your baby! :)

  8. Your Christmas present present cracked me right up. Also the Christmas past one. But Christmas future was too scary for me to contemplate. Because cute, sweet little babies grown into pre-teens... and eventually into teens (which, from what I hear is only worse) and there just isn't enough w(h)ine in the world for me to cope.

  9. madmad - As I said, I'm completely irrational on this one.

    jennifer - spoken like someone who has true experience in these matters.

  10. Think about Anna before you ask for another baby. Of course, by the time it gets to be her age, you should have a few more built-in babysitters around, right? ;)

  11. A, you really are crazy! But, you know, in a really good way.


  12. Portable sugar - the gift that keeps on giving.

  13. "Portable sugar..." I really really like you. A suitcase full of bubble gum? Does it get any better than this?

  14. I'm all over chocolate and air blowing doohickeys - that will be a stocking stuffer for my dh for sure!

  15. Thank you on behalf of the Almond Capital of the World(tm).

  16. I get knick-knacks. Just more crap to dust but it keeps on coming.

  17. theresa - By the time the baby would be a teenager, I could foist him/her off on one of my older children's households. That's my plan, anyway.

  18. I wish I could have another baby, actually. But I can't, so I won't. Boo hoo hoo. Hoo.

    I will play along, thanks for the tag. I'm so brain dead right now I can't think of a thing to post about, so this came along at the perfect time...
