
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Health News

This just in (according to the BBC): vitamins are bad for you. You can put this information in the "Why Even Bother, We Are All Going To Die Anyway" section of your brain. I file it right next to the information that because I retain belly fat (excuse me, I mean visceral adipose tissue), I am going to suffer from heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. I guess the Alzheimer's will be a blessing, as it will keep me from being aware of just how miserably unhealthy I am.

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

I woke up this morning and thought, "My clothes from last year are all ugly, and I ate too many cookies yesterday." So, I am getting my hair cut. A new hairstyle is a way cheaper (and faster) method of boosting one's self-esteem than either therapy or drugs. Unless, of course, the haircut turns out lousy. But what is life without a little risk-taking?


  1. Well good. That makes me feel better for having been too lazy to jump on that particular supplement bandwagon. We get our extra vitamins the old fashioned way. You know, through food.

  2. I got my hair cut yesterday and immediately forgot my butt was squeezed into my pants. Aren't you psyched that this seasons tops are all blousey? No more belly buttom show through. You know, when the shirts are tight and you can see the indent of your belly button. Classy!

  3. Me too on the haircut. The great thing about hair is that it always grows back.

  4. I saw a story on the news this week that said that if you have a large brain, you are less prone to Alzheimers.
    Good luck with the haircut. My favorite part about getting a haircut is how for the next week, everyone says "Hey! You got your hair cut!" As if you didn't notice.

  5. don't cut your hair when you feel lousy! wait... did you already do it?

    alright then, your hair looks amazing.

  6. Good hair is a good start. Bad clothes can really drag a girl down. I've no cheap advice on that, other than maybe shopping at a consignment store.

  7. i feel better about forgetting to give the boys their vitamins every day.

    i hate that it is spring and time to pull out all those clothes that don't fit that i swore would fit by this time

  8. Right on. Besides, if you don't like the cut, you can always resort to a hip new hat for a few weeks. I hope you like it though.

  9. We are a vitamin free household. More out of laziness than anything else; glad to have scientific back up!

  10. See, the whole point of a new haircut (in my opinion) is to draw the eye UPWARD. To draw attention away for what lies below.

    I'll let you know when it starts working.

    I'm sure your hair looks fantastic!

  11. OMG - the hairdresser is the scariest thing! Probably because I have impossible hair!

    Buying shoes is good - your feet don't get fat even if your rear does!

    The Vitamin report was really naughty - apparently they only picked smokers ......durrrr!

  12. Ah, but the placebo effect of vitamins is obviously very powerful. It convinces us that we're healthier, making us feel healthier, and since most scientists agree that the mind does indeed have some control over matter, voila! There you have it. We are indeed healthier, even if all we've been swallowing are little capsules of hype.

  13. Botox, too, apparently. (Hahahahahaha!)

  14. Does this mean I can stop taking all those prenatal vitamins that still make me want to hurl, even though I am far past the morning sickness and constant nausea stage?

  15. Makes me feel better about forgetting to take my vitamins. I bought Ginko Biloba to help with the memory, but keep forgetting them as well.

  16. If the hair doesn't turn out you can always go buy new clothes to cure that.

  17. Rats! We've been doing a great job taking our vitamins here. Why cna't I ever get anything right?

  18. It does say "supplemented vitamins" .. so I guess we can still eat our veggies :)

    Yay for the haircut. That is the best therapy.

  19. Good hair makes everything look better. :)
    Man, now vitamins are bad for you too? Is there anything that I can have that's NOT going to kill me in 10 years? ;)

  20. Yeah, the food I eat has vitamins too, it's even in the chocolate! Haircuts are at the very least a change; I say live on the wild side!

  21. That's what I do . . . if I feel fat, or if the boys are giving me a headache, or if I have writer's block, or if I'm mad at slow drivers I get my hair cut.

    I even did this when I was studying abroad. My friend and I were a little homesick, so we decided to get our hair cut. The thing is . . . we didn't know how to say "trim" or "bangs" in Spanish. Then, after the haircut we were REALLY depressed!

    Hope you haircut turned out beautifully!

  22. Thanks for the depressing headlines. Oh, YES, thanks a lot.

    On the uplifting front...a haircut does the trick. Just got it hacked off Wednesday & I feel 10lbs lighter and my cheekbones are higher.

  23. jck - That's funny - I feel lighter, also. And my chin isn't sagging as much...

    karen - it's a vicious cycle, isn't it?
