
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Post Titles On Vacation

Larry's away again, meaning I got home from work last night, did the dishes, and went to bed with no time for blogging. I woke up this morning, rather pleased with myself for holding everything together despite my husband's absence. This feeling of self-congratulation lasted a full 5 minutes, at which point a sobbing Rachel presented herself in my bedroom. Seems that, um, a certain tooth fairy neglected to leave a gift under her pillow last night - you know, that much-anticipated gift for the very first tooth that Rachel finally managed to lose.


In other news, I have been offered an editing job on a contract basis. I have always wondered how someone gets to be an editor, and now I have my answer. She has a friend who finds her a job. It's who you know, folks; it's all who you know.

The e-mail offering me the position stressed that I would have to set my own hours and could work as much as I want from home, so long as I use up the assigned monies. It also mentioned the pay range, which is 3-4 times what I make at the bookstore. And would those arrangements be all right with me? Gosh, I don't know. Could I have a pony, too?

And just to keep things from going too well around here, I didn't lose any weight this week. Even though I'm starving. But, hey! According to Weight Watchers, if I take a 20-minute walk, I earn the right to eat an apple. I don't know about any of you, but I need a little more incentive than that if I am going to make myself exercise. Say, a brownie sundae with extra whipped cream....


  1. Oh dear .... you must have the same forgetful tooth fairy assigned to your house as we do! I guess you can't expect too much from her if she's doing both hemispheres AND opposite sides of the world - she must not get any sleep. Come to think of it, neither do I!

    Congratulations on the editing job and hope they throw in the pony too.

  2. Congratulations on the editing job! That sounds wonderful. Working from home and setting your own hours - I am jealous. In a good way. Enjoy!

  3. I really, really miss editing, especially since I tend to do it anyway and have to restrain myself from sending long emails to various news programs and magazines, listing their egregious errors. Oh! And at the zoo I noticed "course grass" in the Africa exhibit signage. Doesn't anyone proofread these things before they spend all that money?? And another exhibit we saw over the weekend had some very, very sketchy business going on with commas--they seemed to migrate, so that there were commas where they had no business being, and other places were sorely lacking in them.

    I'd say congrats, but I'm too jealous. ;)

  4. Holy cats! That's so exciting. Way to go, knowing who you know and also being very talented.

  5. Congrats on the editing job! I've always wondered how one gets into that I know!

  6. Hey Girlie! What awesome news! Congrats, congrats! I know you'll be brilliant!

    What are you going to name the pony? ;o)


  7. Sometimes the Tooth Fairy drops the money under the bed. Go look for your daughter. That may or may not be something I've ever done.

  8. You can have that long as it is the WW variety and you don't mind that your incentive comes in a tray roughly the size of what the sample ladies at Costco sport.

  9. We forgot the "Tooth Fairy" duties pretty routinely. I used to have the neighbor pen notes of apology. And congrats on the job!

  10. That is fantastic news. Congratulations!

  11. The job sounds ideal!!! and hang in there on the weight watchers thing! It will pay off. I know it is a pain in the butt!
    I am off to eat my super yummy 2 point breakfast!

  12. I think you should tell Rachel that the Tooth Fairy has an ear infection and her doctor has told her that she shouldn't fly for a few days.

    That should buy you some time.

    And if you go ahead and eat the sundae and nobody actually sees you eat it, I don't think you need to count the points.

    Congratulations on the job!

  13. Lucky you! I'd LOVE to be an editor! Can I be introduced to your friend?

  14. Woot! Good for you on the new job! I think that deserves an ice cream sundae at least!

    And, I've forgotten the tooth fairy too; don't sweat it---she sometimes gets tied up or slowed down due to bad weather (or so I've heard).

  15. I am really bad about remembering to "call" the tooth fairy to let her know we have a lost tooth at our house. My kids have just come to except it.

    And talk about dream job-so jealous!

  16. Sounds like an ideal job! Yeah you.
    And seriously? 20 minute walk just so you can eat an apple? I would starve to death!

  17. AnonymousMay 12, 2009

    you know, with the money you make at the editing job, you could hire a new tooth fairy. when will you start and how much editing are we talking about (and what? books? articles?)??? answers, i demand answers!

    20min walk equals an apple? good to know.


  18. AnonymousMay 12, 2009

    Yay for you! That's wonderful!
    (I've forgotten to put money out, too. Bad mommy, I know)

  19. Congrats on the job working from home. I love my writing job, but soemtimes I find that working at home is hard because everyone still thinks I am at their beck and call. Ha.

    So I set some ground rules. I have certain morning hours that I work, and no one can disturb me.

  20. AnonymousMay 12, 2009

    Congrats on the job! That's worth a brownie, right?
    I ate 6 Costco Madelines last night, at the cost of 18 points. What Was I Thinking?!!?!? Um, I wasn't. *sigh*

    Now put your work skills on and write up an apology note from the tooth fairy. Something like over a million kids lost their teeth last night and she got stuck in tooth traffic... Rachel might just believe it! (Worked on my kids... ONCE)

  21. Woot and double Woot on the editing job! and the tooth fairy? Sometimes we'd have to go look together b/c it would fall down under the bed or behind the bed or..yeah you get the drift "Oh look I found a dollar!"

    diets are for quitters....

  22. Our tooth fairy is incredibly undependable ... and our kids have gotten used to it! One time they swore they heard a noise in the bathroom early in the morning when they went in to use it - the resulting theory was that mom (me) must have looked her (the tooth fairy) in the bathroom all night on accident. Works for me!! And, she eventually makes it our way, leaving proper rewards!

  23. Congrats!!! I'm with you on the sweets---hate to diet!

  24. Congratulations on the editing job!

    I'm doing WW for the first time and I am shocked at how little food I get for the allotted points.

  25. Dude. That's awesome. (Yes, I've changed into a 5th grader from the 90s)

  26. That's WONDERFUL! Congratulations! I only did a copy editor stint in college, but I loved it.

    There was the day I corrected a professor's grammar, and he came to my office to ask questions so he would get that right the next time, pleased to learn something new. He totally, totally made my day.

  27. Wow you are a funny, funny lady :)I followed a link to you page cause I told a friend I needed a good laugh and I am please that I stopped by and will be following your blog now :)Keep up the great work!

  28. I used to feel really bad if the tooth fairy forgot to come to our house. I'd "find" the money under the pillow or on the floor. It could get quite elaborate and sneaky. Now I don't really care. I've come to view the tooth fairy as a mischievous pest, rather like a lepruchaun ("what do you mean the tooth fairy forgot? Man, that toothfairy is lazy! And a jerk! Maybe we should fire her. Should we write a letter telling her she'd better shape up?") After enough of this I've started to believe it myself.

    Now I've wized up. When someone comes to me with a tooth that's fallen out I just have them write a post-it note ("Bella lost a tooth!") and put it on my bathroom mirror "so that Daddy sees it when he gets home!" That way I don't forget before I go to bed. It's only taken me six kids to figure that out.

  29. The tooth fairy only comes if the tooth losers room is clean enough so she can walk across the floor without injury. She rarely visits some of my kids, as they are all slobs. I can spend hours helping them clean a room and have it trashed by the next day. We need to go back to the chores must be done and rooms cleaned before supper rule, but I like eating before bedtime. :)

    If hubby gets his way and we move back to NY state, a lot of stuff is going to the dump or given away, as my MIL's house is 2/3 of the size of this house. 95% of hubby's papers will not be moving with us. If he really wants the college papers he saved, we can always scan them in and save them on one of his servers.

  30. Wow, lucky you. I've been wondering how I could swing an editing job and set my own hours and make some money to make up for dh's sudden decrease in pay. Do they need anymore help????

  31. AnonymousJuly 30, 2012

    Can you be who I know?!
