
Friday, December 18, 2009

7 Quick Takes: Let It Snow Edition

  1. Snow is predicted here for tomorrow. Around here, getting snow at all is an exciting event. Snow which covers the grass is stupendous. Tomorrow? One to two feet of the blessed white stuff is predicted for our area. The kids are over the moon.
  2. Snow is predicted here for tomorrow. Tomorrow just so happens to be Saturday, when everyone does their grocery shopping. Naturally, they all decided to put it off until Monday.
  3. Ha, ha, no, they didn't. This afternoon, every person living within a 5-mile radius of my local Harris Teeter showed up there at the very same time. I grabbed the last shopping cart.
  4. The Christmas pageant was this evening. Susie sang along with all the songs even though she wasn't in it. While she sang, she played with my hair. My heart melted all over my seat.
  5. Have I mentioned the snow?
  6. I thought so.
  7. One to two feet, people!
If you're tired of hearing about wintry precipitation, you can head on over to the host of 7 Quick Takes - living in Texas as she does, she talks about scorpion encounters instead.


  1. I'm cold just reading about your snow. Enjoy all the snow-y fun activities.

  2. I'm thinking the snow stories are more fun. I always loved a snowstorm - the first of the season. After that? Well, hum. I think you know what I might mean.

    Enjoy the falling of the snow, however. Most beautiful.

  3. We're getting snow tonight, too. Though not as much. The last time that many people showed up at my local Harris Teeter I was like "what the h*ll is a Harris Teeter?"

  4. Yep, we're in the same snowy world that you're talking about---so far one foot and counting. The kids are having a blast, and hot chocolate and snow cream are on the menu for today. (A turkey, too, but I'm worried the power will go out at any minute.)

  5. I am so jealous! We are only getting 3-5 inches up here in the tip of WV. Still, it is AWESOME packing snow, isn't it? Sled riding, here we come!!!

  6. We're expecting around 10 inches of snow starting tonight. I. am. NOT. excited.

    Enjoy the novelty!

  7. Thank you for griping about the snow! Finally somebody to commiserate with!

  8. I stopped by the local grocery store for 6 items on Friday afternoon. This was before the 9-to-5 workforce was let loose, but I still spent 15 minutes in the quick lane!
    It's amazing how quickly priorities change when a snowstorm arrives.

  9. I love, Love, LOVE the snow. We got two feet, which is a big deal for us. Hubby went grocery shopping Thursday evening and it was packed. I guess everyone has the same idea before a snowstorm.

  10. We moved, according to our moving-van invoice, 3333 miles to get away from that stuff. My oldest, at three, asked once if she could go play on the swing set (in New Hampshire). I looked out the window from the second floor and told her, "Try to find it first."

  11. You must live near my sister. And she says everyone cancels everything when it snows. But first they rush to the store for toilet paper, bread and milk. Ha, ha! Here we laugh at 2 feet of snow.

  12. Yeah, may I say that living in Alaska, my heart is filled with less love of snow than it was living in Oregon; something about the ratio of days of snow to days without snow, I'm sure.

    And BTW, I'm not sure you respected the heart of what 7 quick takes quite stands for......hmmm...

  13. R U totally snowed in by now!

  14. I liked your #4. Both because I had a melty heart at my kids' christmas thingy and because my 7 year old played with my hair for 20 minutes earlier tonight and it was awesome.

    :) Nice quick takes--
