
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Place Your Bets

I bought a set of 12 matching glasses (6 tall, 6 short) at Target today.

(I know! The excitement! It's overwhelming.)

We only had 3 glasses (mismatched) left at home. So now I'm wondering how long this set will last. Anyone care to take bets? Let's say that once we are down 50 percent (3 or less of both sizes), we have reached our goal.

Remember - our kitchen boasts granite countertops and a stone tile floor. When we drop breakables? I swear, sometimes they bow to the inevitable by shattering in mid-air. Also, recall - the dishwasher(s) is/are broken, meaning that unhappy children dry everything by hand.

My bet? 6 1/2 weeks. 45 days, to be exact. And I think that would be a record around here.


  1. Wait. Is that glass? It must be glass, I remember it. Haven't seen it in my house for years now..
    But, once upon a time, I did drink out of such an element...

  2. We have plenty of real glass glasses. I just don't use them, preferring to use Tupperware or similar type plastic ones.

    What I want to know is how we can still have glasses from A & W I bougth in 1987 or a 1983 Burger King promotion for Samuel Clemens, AKA Mark Twain, but the new ones we bought at a real store break so easily?

  3. Ohhhhh...matching glasses NOT from a restaurant giveaway! You are livin'!!!

  4. AnonymousMay 04, 2010

    We moved away from our tile floor 3 years ago, so we still have some of our glasses that match. Some, not all.

    Why you haven't just moved on to paper cups & plates until you have a working dishwasher? I'd be all over that solution (and I'm a rabid recycler)!

  5. We still have 4 sets of glasses that we got as wedding gits that we haven't used yet because I don't want them to get broken. We've been using tupperware glasses for the last 17 years.

    I'm guessing 52 days.

  6. 9 weeks, you can't break'em on purpose. I've got faith. Here, I avoid the middleman and break everything myself.

  7. Why not use the dishwasher as a drying rack - that might prolong the life of the glasses (and plates) somewhat. Plus I've read that its more sanitary (though I really care that its less work!)

    When I was a kid, we had sturdy plastic cups with our names on them. Use them and then put them on the window sill until you next wanted water. Saved her sanity in the summer, not to have every single glass dirty every day!

  8. Actually, the kids are each assigned a plastic cup by color. Only the adults drink from the glasses. We're strict like that.

  9. Hmmm, now that you have divulged the 'plastic cup' policy, my vote is three months. I'm taking into account the fact that your dishwasher is broken, so that would make me more likely to use paper and kill a few trees.

  10. "I swear, sometimes they bow to the inevitable by shattering in mid-air." made me laugh out loud.

  11. No paper here, Viv - feel free to revise your estimate!

  12. I still have sippy cups in the cupboard! We were down to 2 mismatched glass glasses, then I found a gorgeous set of 8 for 10 bucks at a thrift store. I hope they last a while.

  13. Six weeks sounds about right; I raised five kids of my own, one of whom was passive-aggressive but seems to have outgrown it, now that she is buying her own glassware.

  14. Will you be posting a little running total on your sidebar? What about the odds? you know, just in case someone MAY have wanted to bet...

  15. Now that you have challenged the universe by posting a number on the internet, I think that Murphy will put in some OT on your case. Put me down for 37 days...

    And then for the replacements- yard sales. Don't try to match them. And tell people you have a glass collection- you're seeing how many different sorts you can get!

  16. LOL! I just realized that I own NO GLASSES! My guests get the good tupperware, and the kids get the 5-for-a-buck, plastic, seasonal cups from the Wal-Mart. (We have a lot of red Christmas cups now, for some weird reason.)

    Hmm. I'd say, with the kids using plastic, about 8 weeks. But I'm also betting that you'll do most of the breaking. You've jinxed yourself by prematurely blaming the kids...

  17. AnonymousMay 05, 2010

    It's in the air--I bought a set of SIX matching glasses at IKEA last month--oh the thrill of waiting until one of them shatters...

  18. Personally, I can't tolerate that kind of tension. I'd hit 'em with a hammer right now and get it over with.

  19. That would be more efficient, Murr. You may have a point.

  20. AnonymousMay 05, 2010

    If you still have the full set in 100 days, I say break one for fun!

  21. AnonymousMay 10, 2010

    I give it 7 weeks--I'll be optimistic!
