
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Let's Make A Deal

I'd like to thank everyone who bothered to comment this past week and share personal details of their dishwasher histories.  Essentially, I learned what Larry and I already suspected - dishwashers today are unpredictable pieces of crap.  "Okay," I said to my long-suffering husband.  "Let's go buy a new dishwasher - it will last maybe 2 years."

"We could get the 4-year warranty with it," he suggested.

"We could skip the whole deal and buy some bedroom furniture at IKEA," I countered.

"I'm sick of washing dishes by hand," he said.

"I do most of it.  And I'm sick of not having a bed frame and a headboard.  We've been married 20 years.  Aren't old marrieds supposed to have some bedroom furniture?"

"Old marrieds are supposed to have a working dishwasher."

"Anna just took my dresser.  I need a dresser.  And I want it to match the bed frame."

The upshot?  Readers, we bought a used Frigidaire dishwasher on Craig's List.  With much trepidation on my part, of course, and only after extracting a promise from Larry that the remaining cash he wanted to waste on a new dishwasher would be given to me to spend at IKEA.

I drive a hard bargain.

[Oh, and the winner of the Starbucks gift card is momwhoknits!  Please email me your address!  I guess I'll have to sound stupid here, but is there Starbucks in Canada?]


  1. Hooray, I so happy for you that you finally got a dishawasher! My DH and I were just having the same conversation about bedroom furniture. I want some. We've been married 16 yrs and have never had a matching bedroom suite, heck we barely have ANY bedroom furniture. We're grownups it's time for some grownup furniture, right?

  2. I have a feeling the used one will be better than a new one.

  3. I CAN'T believe I missed this. Where the hell was I. We bough the bargain dishwasher recommended by consumer reports and have had nary a problem with it. And I haven't had a starbucks in months, either. Shoot.

  4. My mom got so sick of doing dishes at my house that she went out and bought me a dishwasher. It's my Christmas/birthday present for the next ten years (we're cheap).

  5. A dishwasher! Brava! Three cheers! I want to send you a celebratory case of dishwasher detergent now!

  6. Here's hoping your new dishwasher brings you much joy! You have earned it!

    Now, I'd trot right on over to Craigslist for your bedroom furniture. I often see a ton of IKEA furniture that people have had for a couple of years and then decide to move.

  7. I'm glad you're on the path to being fully-applianced. Spending money at IKEA is way more fun than shopping for appliances.

  8. Hooray!! I hesitate to ask, but is it hooked up yet?

    I still have my childhood dresser. My husband built our bedposts from a tree that was downed in a storm (the rest of frame came from a lumber yard). After 23 years of marriage, I'm just happy to have decent furniture (sort of).

  9. SO did you get new bedroom furniture? We just barely got our first bed frame this year. We have been married 17 years. So not quite as long. Just know you are not alone.

  10. Congratulations on your new dishwasher! Mine is 7 years old and went into the piece of crap stage about 4 years ago. It's nice to know mine is right on schedule!


  11. I'm so glad you've finally got one!

    I've now forgotten the name of it but I found it through Google--but anyway: when mine died and I was so sick of how fast they'd been going, I found this place that sells parts. LOTS of parts. And not only do they sell parts, but they want you to buy those parts, so they make it easy: they have a troubleshooting guide for just about every make of appliance you could ask for and will help walk you through what you need, and will take returns in sale-able condition if that didn't do the job.

    It took us three tries but in the end it was the control panel. $125, or something like that, vs $700 for a new one. It's worked just fine for the year since then.

  12. What a happy ending. That bedroom furniture is calling my name...except it isn't Giovanni, it's Shellie (I wonder if his profile is in Utica New York or in Utah?), but figuring out how to get out of my son's account will take too long and I'll get lost and never come back to tell you what you already learned- dishwashers are pieces of crap even if you do end up needing them because too many people make that necessary.
