
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Fashion Alert

I know that some of my readers who come here for more light-hearted fare prefer I stay away from controversial topics, but I can no longer remain silent about a certain atrocity sweeping our nation.  Ladies, here's the word on the recently popular Bubble Shorts:


These shorts resemble diapers even on stick figures.  Women wearing them look as though they should be sucking their thumbs.  No one over the age of 2 or 3 should be allowed to sport these fashion monstrosities.

Let us not talk about this abomination ever again.

[Image credit: Style Hive]


  1. The good thing about being completely out of the loop: I had no idea these were "fashionable." I fully support your critique.

  2. Ack, this is making my eyes bleed! No one should EVER wear these, but the mini-shorts showing girls' butt cheeks aren't any better.

  3. Thank you for saying what had to be said. Could you say something to all the young men who wear their pants so their bottoms hang out and we can all see their boxers?

  4. I've never seen these before. I hope I never see them again!

  5. Makes you wonder what they're thinking, right? Or maybe fashion really is a conspiracy against women after all.

  6. P.S. love the new layout!

  7. Oh Ugh. Those are ugly. THey look like they belong in some Victorian era p*rn.

  8. Wow! Are those for real? They're hilarious!

  9. Well said! Now please address the men wearing skinny jeans.

  10. If it's not too crass, they simply resemble my butt out of shorts.


  11. Just three words sum up my thoughts:
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!!?!?!

  12. Yikes! I wouldn't wear these on a dare.

  13. I cannot imagine where the idea for these came from but it needs to go back!

  14. AnonymousJune 02, 2011

    Best PSA of the season.

  15. Amen. But why would you put this atrocity on an unsuspecting 2-year old? This could forever mess them up in taste and fashion departments, you know.

  16. Remember how popular overalls were back in the 90's? I think these are going to be like that. Heaven help us all.

  17. I'm thinking that when I reach the age of adult diapers I might buy a few of these just so no one knows the bulk is from the actual diaper and not just the shorts that look like a diaper. And you can just imagine how awesome my old lady legs will look like hanging out of those things.

  18. I think they are adorable. Anyone with the proper physique to pull these off. With the right fashion sense and confidence these are super cute. Most people won't be able to wear these and wouldn't have the confidence to do so. This is not for the avid Gap/ Anne Taylor Loft wearer. lol Where I live the women are fashion fearless. These are definitely more Rock Star rather than Soccer Mom. Love em!
