
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

RIP, Nora Ephron

Oh, man, I'm just broken up about this.  If you haven't read I Feel Bad About My Neck and I Remember Nothing, you might not be able to appreciate how witty and insightful Nora Ephron was.

Gah, I had to use the past tense.  I can't take it.  I just can't.

Go - listen to her interview on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me last October.  I'm heading out to rent a few movies.  Would you believe I've never even seen Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail?  I think it's time.  And I don't care if Larry likes them or not.  This is for me and Nora.

Who's dead.  How can that be?  Death isn't funny.  And Nora wouldn't do anything that wasn't funny or -- at the very least -- archly witty.  Would she?


  1. So so sad. I loved my first Norah Ephron movie - Heartburn. I should probably rent it again. On the brighter note, my husband and I have VERY, VERY different tastes in movies. We have a very short list of tried and proven movies - probably less than 10 - that we both can enjoy together. You've Got Mail is on the list, so don't despair, Larry might like it!

    1. I'd like to see that list. I wonder if Larry and I even have 5. But that's okay - at least we share a hearty dislike for what passes for children's movies these days.

    2. How to Steal a Million, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, You've Got Mail. Can't recall anything else, was it only 3 movies on the list? Sigh.

  2. I love her books. Her movies are great too. Sad

  3. I know. I've read her books too. I need to see if I can find online the piece about how she came to write When Harry Met Sally--it was out of desperation, wasn't it? Was that the story where she thought she was going to inherit money so she'd never have to bother working again, and then didn't, so she wrote the screenplay that made her career? Do you remember?

    1. Yes, I think that was in her last book. I really enjoyed her writing. Did you listen to the interview? She's so funny, describing how she felt about being moved to Beverly Hills when she was 4.

  4. I thought I read it wrong last night when I came across the headline that she was dead. It didn't seem possible.

    Her essays are particularly good and worth seeking out.

  5. I didn't even know she was sick. Oh, so sad.

    And all day long, I can hear her voice in my head. I even read this post, but mentally used her voice. :-)

  6. I just watched Sleepless again on Netflix. Such a loss. Especially since it's so hard for women to get as far as she did. Now the women who are replacing her are writing crap like Bridesmaids, with pooping scenes. Who is going to write the clever comedies? RIP Nora.

  7. I think I have both of those movies on VHS if you want to borrow them ;) Great chick flicks!

  8. We were just talking here at home about how subversive the meg ryan orgasm scene was. Here you have a mainstream American comedy with America's Sweetheart letting men everywhere know that they don't actually know anything.

  9. Another bit of news I've missed... this one NOT good news. :(
    I think that if you hailed from Seattle, that first film omission might be considered a cardinal sin. Yes, by all means, watch Sleepless in Seattle! (And yes, people really *do* live on houseboats... I've known some of them.)
