
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Don't Blink Or You'll Miss It

I clean my refrigerator once every year and a half, whether it needs it or not...

Feast your eyes on that picture over there to the right, will you? Take note of the gleaming glass shelves, the crisper bins filled with not-yet-past-its-prime produce, the baking goods aligned neatly on the top shelf.  Marvel, if you will, at the drawer  filled with all our cheesestuffs and only our cheesestuffs, the sanctity of the string cheese and the cheddar cuts no longer violated by the presence of an open pack of hotdogs.  Admire how the butter and the cream cheese(s) and the sour cream are gathered in one place, rather than hiding behind the sauerkraut, say, or the minced garlic - items which now stand in an orderly row on the right, waiting to serve the whims of my cooking muse.  And do not fail to appreciate the bottom shelf, reserved for eggs and edible leftovers only.  Edible being the key word here, of course...

Ah, an organized icebox is a thing of beauty and a joy for...well, for approximately 48 hours, anyway.

See that healthy-looking bag of kale next to the sauerkraut?  I bought it at our local  farmers' market yesterday, having convinced myself that I would find the time to sautee it with butter and serve it to my theoretically grateful children.  Who wants to bet it will be showing up in liquefied form a few weeks from now?

You know, the road to disgustingly putrefied vegetables is paved with good intentions.


  1. If you cook spaghetti and the kale at the same time. Take the kale and puree it with some of the spaghetti sauce then cook again the sauce and serve (works with spinach and other heavy greens) even better the taste is completely hidden by the tomato sauce. Good food and the kids won't even know the difference!

  2. I'm just amazed that you have room for flour and raisins in the fridge. Mine are relegated to the pantry because there's no room in the fridge. Of course, the pantry is equally stuffed, but oh well! Enjoy the beauty of your clean fridge!

  3. I thought I was the only one who did that with that. Your family's most favorite veggie too, right? (Thinking of the grimaces I get when I tell them how good it is for them.) Kale'em with kindness.

  4. So lovely it brings tears to my eyes...

  5. i want a fridge like that! wanna trade? i offer two open packages of sliced cheese. the cheese decided to grow a lovely coat of fur because it's cold in the fridge, you know.

    and i also have garlic, tamarind paste, chili paste, honey dijon mustard and gnocci to offer! what a trade off indeed!

  6. It is truly beautiful, I am most envious.

    But where is the half egg salad sandwich?

  7. Well done, you. And you've added a twitter feed! Those are hilarious!

  8. Go for the kale chips - I'm told they're fabulous. My kale always sits in the back of the fridge because I've forgotten about it, so I've never managed to make it anything.

  9. Today, I actually cooked and ate the kale that came in my food co-op box last week. AND IT WAS STILL GOOD! It must be the full moon.

    Wash the greens, heat olive oil in a frying pan, add pepper flakes, add greens, add lid. Wait 10 minutes. Put greens in plastic container, place on refrigerator shelf, wait three weeks... ;)

  10. Didn't you use to clean your fridge every week? Wasn't there always half an egg salad sandwich?

  11. I used to make this great kale dish. Actually you can use any of that kind of green. Saute garlic in olive oil, then wash the kale and throw it into the pot. I didn't bother to dry the kale and the little bit of water helps with the sauteing. Then when the kale has cooked down add some chopped tomatoes (I've used both fresh and canned). After that has cooked up together for a few minutes crumble in some feta cheese. Stir this around and heat thoroughly. Season to your own tastes (I think a little black pepper is good.) It makes a stew kind of dish so you'll need a bowl. Serve it piping hot with some warm crusty bread. The bread is great for soaking up the tomato/cheese/garlic broth. Delicious!

  12. I am in awe! I have missed your cleaning out the fridge posts but with the kale purchase I know I can look forward to one in the next 10 days. Actually I think you bought the kale to 'stage' the fridge picture ;)

  13. Do you sell that photo in poster size? Also, why are the raisins in the refrigerator?

  14. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

  15. Oh, I've missed the fridge posts!

    Looking good.

  16. My fridge is jealous.

  17. It's good to know I'm not the only person who gets delusions of grandeur after she cleans her fridge...

  18. Glorious. I need to take a photo the next time I achieve this perfection. (Next time? Next time? How about the first time. Ok ok I admit it....)

  19. I am insanely jealous of your clean fridge as I too prescribe to the every year and half cleaning schedule and um...might be way past it. I can offer a clean garage for a trade however.

  20. I am so full of envy. I'm afraid to put my hand too far inside my own fridge.

  21. It looks lovely! Enjoy it while you can!

  22. That is seriously, seriously inspirational.

    The topic of my blog for November is going to be "food." I think I should kick off the month by cleaning out my fridge. It really needs it..
