NO ONE has invited us to watch the Super Bowl with them tomorrow. What am I supposed to do, pay for cable TV myself? Next thing you know, I'll have to buy my own guacamole, too.
I think I'm making the wrong sort of friends. Oh, yeah, I have the let's-watch-Downton buddies and the let's-go-on-knitting-retreats acquaintances; but, apparently, I have neglected to cultivate any friendships with people who actually like televised sports. Dreadfully shortsighted of me, I must say. Now I will have to wait until Monday to hear about all the commercials.
That's why we watch the Super Bowl, right? The expensive commercials? Which teams are playing, anyway?
I BENT these. They are made of METAL. |
Anywhoo, I'm not going to be sitting around like Cinderella pining to go to the ball. It's not like I don't have plans for tomorrow already. I mean, I have to dash to the local yarn shop (LYS, for us insiders), due to another knitting emergency involving indestructible needles that I have somehow managed to bend; I have a 2-hour yoga workshop to attend, in
my ongoing effort not to become a cripple at the age of 50; and, for some reason, my family expects me to make them some dinner (see above re
not being invited anywhere).
I do hope my kids realize that, if this intensive yoga regimen doesn't work, I'm not going to be able to stand up long enough to make them dinner anymore, anyway. Aren't ages 8, 11, and 13 old enough to start fending for oneself? The girls do happen to be very excited that they have learned to make scrambled eggs in the microwave. Brian will even whip up a pan of brownies (from a mix), so long as he can convince his siblings to do the clean-up. And David can cook, when he's not making up lame excuses like "Calculus" and "College Chemistry" to get out of kitchen duty. He's so self-centered these days...
Personally, I could be happy for the rest of my life eating Greek yogurt with homemade granola for dinner. You?
[Knitting needles image: The Natural Stitches Newsletter]