[Yes, I've switched the font again - Homemaker Man said the other font looked too serial-killerish, which creeped me out so much I had to change it. But it got me wishing for a ransom-note font - you know, with all the letters looking as though they'd been cut out of different magazines and newspapers?]
Here in these parts we've begun that 3-4 month annual endurance test known colloquially as "summer." The windows are shut, the AC is on, the freezer pops are a-freezin'. We're hunkered down, trying to take the weather conditions day by day, or - as necessary - hour by hour. The only way to endure is by following the
12 Steps of Summer:
Beats a fire hydrant! |
*Admit our powerlessness over the weather
*Turn our suffering over to an all-seeing Power, One who theoretically has our best interests at heart, although really, last summer made me wonder if that's true. I mean,
95+ degrees 10 days in a row - are you kidding me?
*Conduct a searching and fearless inventory of our freezers for all confections cold and sweet
*Make a pact with a similarly suffering mother to trade air-conditioned playdates, trips to the pool, and no-cook pizza nights
*Humbly ask God to remove all potential pool poopers from our midst, lest a longed-for afternoon of water fun become an at-home whinefest of Biblical proportions
*Make a list of any and all SAHM's in the vicinity, in order to generate more play dates.
*Offer playdates to such SAHM's whenever possible, except where doing so might cause one to harm another person's
brats children
Our favorite! |
*Continue to conduct freezer inventories so as to ensure a constant supply of Italian ices and sorbets
*Seek through prayer and meditation the Divinely-administered strength not to run away to northern climes,
sans children and husband, by mid-August.
*Attempt to offer to fellow sufferers succor, whether in the form of iced confections or moral support
Actually, that's only 10. It's too hot to remember the other 2.
Lord help me, it's not even June yet.
[pool image credit: Pool Swimming]
[Italian ice image credit: Hubby Diaries]