After her tennis lesson today, Rachel and I dropped by a crowded ChikFilA for a snack. It was so crowded, in fact, that we had to grab 2 seats right next to a middle-aged couple, at what would normally be a table for 4. At first, we were too busy breaking open our portion-control-size condiments to pay attention to our new neighbors; but I became aware of their conversation when I heard the woman say, dismissively, "He's just obsessed with his car and his motorbike."
Whereupon her husband said, "Well, when you're not married, you can do what you like."
I froze. Wouldn't you have done the same?
When you're not married, you can do what you like. Them's fightin' words, buddy. Even though you don't realize it...
Without missing a beat, his wife said, "
You don't get to do what you like?"
Why do I want to mention here that she was wearing a snowflake sweater? She was.
...and agree with their wives. |
Her husband, seemingly unaware of the danger, said, "I just meant that, if he wants to up and move to California and live in a shack, he can
do that."
Snowflake Sweater Woman, with an edge to her voice that even Mr. Clueless next to me could identify, "Do YOU want to move to California and live in a shack?"
Rachel, blissfully unaware of the marital drama being enacted less than 2 feet away, continued to eat her waffle fries.
Mr. Clueless, standing his ground, "Well, maybe I do. That's not the point. I'm just saying he doesn't
have to ask his wife."
"Because you're free to go do that," said Snowflake Sweater Woman, stiffly. "You can do what you like. But
I'm not going to live in a shack."
Whereupon her husband, obviously a married person of great experience, changed the subject of the conversation. But he knew he was right.