Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sound Effects Mania

Walking into the den this morning to investigate the source of loud whistling (Why, yes, I am irritable - why do you ask?), I happened upon David saying to Brian, "Okay, now do a whistling cow being sneaked up on by a chicken...with a machine gun..."

That, my friends, is how I know my children are listening to way too much Prairie Home Companion.

(Start listening at 1:45:19 to fully understand what I am hearing around here almost nonstop lately)

How come experts never warn about the effects of too much radio-listening on kids, huh? I mean, a machine-gun-carrying chicken? Shouldn't I be worried?


  1. Nothing drives me to drink faster than whistling indoors. FINGERNAILS ON A CHALKBOARD are more pleasant.

  2. THAT is a fantastic argument for homeschooling.

  3. I LOVE IT!! Where else can that be considered "Music Education"?

    I love Garrison Keilor -- I still have my Powdermilk Biscuit t-shirt! "Tasty AND expeditious!"

  4. I feel as if chickens in our society have earned the right to defend themselves.

    What were we talking about?

  5. A machine-gun carrying chicken in Starbucks would be all right.

  6. Woodstock always sort of freaked me out, too, actually.

  7. That's great! I have listened since I was a kid, and now my kids listen (4 year old and twin 2 year olds). I can't wait until they do that...

  8. That is hysterical! I love that section because I swear the actors are just MESSING with that sound effects guy! It's so darn funny every week.

  9. PHC is a big hit here in our house, too. In fact, my fabulous mother gifted the pre-teen Fred Newman's Mouth Sounds book/CD combo. That's just a great gift for anyone. Everyone should understand the phrases "Palate Grind" and "Tongue Flaps" and be able to fit them into casual conversation.

  10. We have the cassette tapes from the Pretty Good Joke shows. It was a bit, um, uncomfortable when the 7yo told Grandma the riddle about how many Irishmen it takes to change a light bulb.
    (A: 13. One to hold the light bulb and 12 to drink whiskey until the room spins.)

    When my oldest was a baby, he would laugh hysterically at the appropriate times when Click and Clack made car jokes. I wasn't sure if he had a good sense of humor or if he thought their laughs were funny.

  11. I had never even heard of Prairie Home companion. I may have to revisit!
