Monday, September 13, 2010

Come On In, The Water's Fine!

Mahaffey, Pennsylvania!  Come on down!  Out yourself!  Or, at the very least, have the decency to leave a teeny-tiny comment on one of the many pages you've been reading on my blog. 

You know, when I notice someone going methodically through my blog page by page, I automatically think one of 3 things:



"An influential TV producer is about to offer me a reality show!"


"Child Protective Services, having been anonymously alerted to my lack of fitness as a parent, is planning to use my blog as evidence thereof."

Since Mom has long since left these temporal shores, and I'm not really that brilliant a writer, I tend to go with #3.  So reassure me, Mahaffey, that I am not about to go to jail by giving us all a howdy!  It's a friendly crowd here, you know...

[image credit: sitcoms online]


  1. You're a little scary with the stat-reading...

  2. When you see someone reading 15 pages or more a day, in reverse order, you start to wonder, is all.

  3. Okay - sometimes guilty. I try to read during long boring engineering based conference calls that I have to listen to but don't have much to offer! Your blog (and several others) provide me with much needed comic relief!

  4. I love to be caught up with a blog before I comment. Just never seems to happen anymore. LOL.

  5. The silliness of someone reading my blatherings during an "engineering-based conference call" just made my day! Thanks!

  6. I confess, when lacking direction and trying to avoid things I should be doing, I actually go in and re-read some of your older posts. Sad, I know.

    I just sent another mom your way yesterday, assuring her that reading the blog of someone else not afraid to claim a large family would make her day.

    But sorry, I'm not from PA.

  7. No me, but I am saying hi!

  8. It seems like people are commenting less in general--though I avoid reading stats because then I end up thinking, "Was I not interesting enough for Suburban Correspondent to comment?!"

  9. Well, I lurk a little bit but I swear I haven't done that. To you. Yet. I have done it to other blogs. It's nice to catch up on the back story. And I'll probably do it to you eventually! OK???

  10. You're making me think I need to visit my stat counter again. It's probably been gathering all sorts of strange information!

  11. Stat counters are depressing. My mom is there whether I wanted her to read it or not. I'm a regular visitor here, probably seldom comment. I can try to be better.

  12. This is exactly why I don't look at my stats. Ever. I'd obsess and become SO obnoxious.

  13. Okay, I confess that I read your blog and never comment. I also have you linked on my blog that no one knows about. You are funny, smart, entertain me, and make me think; all good things. However, I am not the elusive Mahaffey PA. I think that you have more fans than you realize. If it wasn't for the 13 year old who calls me mom, I wouldn't have a blog either. Someone will have to explain this stat counter thing to me. If it helps you to be a fan, I'm in.

  14. I once did a shout-out to my lurker from Topeka and they NEVER CAME BACK.


  15. Lurker (but not, "the one"). Since I am a bad and inconsistent blogger myself, I comment even less onsomeone else's. But as a mom of nine, I sure enjoy reading yours once in a while. I'll try to remember to post here and there. (now I am thinking about creepers and wonder if I even WANT my own blog...nevermind). :)

  16. Lurking from Chennai, India but I actually used to read your blog regularly and I'm normally in Tennessee. I have been reading more blogs since being overseas because I don't speak Tamil or Hindu, which rules out late night escapist TV and sometimes blog reading subs for a good book :)

  17. I must admit that I quite often type a comment- then realize I have to go log in on google in order to post and say, 'drat, yeah, maybe later' and wander off. I wonder if you could add the feature that lets you log in to blogspot on the comment page?

  18. I read. And lurk. But I'm not in Pennsylvania. And I do comment - sometimes. Especially when you talk about bugs...

  19. I see your Mahaffey, PA and raise you Mountain View, California.

    On my site-meter 8 to 10 times a day, every day. I finally did some digging and it's a googlebot. The googlebot belongs to Blogger.

    I still don't know what it means.
