Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Look Before You Link

I have JenniferJo over at Mama's Minutiae to thank for the fact that my skin is crawling and I will never get to sleep again.  That's because she posted a link that she said made her happy.  Very happy, even.  I believe the word she used was gleeful.  Hey, I thought, I could definitely use some of that!  And I clicked

What started out as an amusing tale about a marital squabble over a husband's duty (or not) to catch nighttime spiders descended into a blog post discussing thousands of glittering spider eyes, the painfulness of army ant attacks, and a bed covered in cockroaches.  Oh, and let's not forget the picture of the termite mound...

I think I need some sort of Internet filter that blocks any website that mentions bugs.   I also think JenniferJo's version of "gleeful" might be a little bit skewed.  Either that, or she has it in for me.


  1. That beats the heck out of my bugs and we truly have our share of them. There are some things that I have to get Mark to help me with and others that I think you are mine buddy, get the neck out of my bathtub.

  2. I can't stop laughing!

    Also, did I ever tell you about the time a mama rat woke me up by scrabbling through my hair AND WE WERE STUCK UNDER A MOSQUITO NET TOGETHER???

    1. Excuse me while I breathe into this paper bag here...

  3. So, you would not do well with my brother the entomologist's dinner stories. His friends who have nursed bot flies in their skin comes to mind....

  4. I'm with you, SC. I'm freaking out over Jennifer Jo's comment up there!

    You can come sit over here with me in my rodent-free and bug-free living room.

  5. Of course I HAD TO click. After I regained consciousness I wondered if any of you ever read Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver (I love everything she wrote except The Lacuna, ick.) About missionaries in the Congo. I'd hoped things have gotten slightly better there since that era but it seems that some things, like spiders, are just part of the colorful experience. MY spiders look like gentle butterflies in comparison. But cockroaches ON THE BABY? I have no words.

    1. Jenny, I LOVE Poisonwood and I could NOT get through Lacuna. Tried it twice, too. Everything else Kingsolver is pure gold.

  6. Not to overwhelm your comments here, but look at THIS post. (And follow the bonus link...if you dare.)

