Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stop. Just...Stop.

I know - I've gone missing.  Not sure anyone's even noticed, actually.  But I'm just popping in to say that I should be back at some point.  In the meantime, if I see one more blog post about making homemade marshmallows, I refuse to be responsible for my actions.  PEOPLE - marshmallows are available in your local grocery store for less than 2 dollars a bag.  They are not meant to be gourmet cuisine.  STOP RAISING THE BAR. 

Sheesh, it's only 2 days until Christmas - you'd think folks would have something better to do than get all pretentious about their junk food, wouldn't you?


  1. I'm with you on the marshmallows. My brother used to mill his own flour, and I think that was insane, too.

  2. This made me laugh out loud. I have tried to make homemade marshmallows, and you are absolutely right. This is one product that is best left to the professionals, and homemade marshmallows are not perceptibly better than store-bought ones, and they make a huge mess.

  3. It is gloriously laughable.
    I think of it as a type of madness brought on by an ill fate of look at what I can do.
    I can think in a straight line.
    People go read a book. Martha and others like her have staff...

  4. I have faithfully checked your blog nearly every day looking for new posts, so I did indeed notice your absence...but I figured you were just lost in the Christmas insanity like the rest of us!

  5. No kidding.
    Finish strong! Happy Christmas!

  6. Some might equate knitting ventures with insanity....!

    For those of us who attempt homemade marshmallows (happily guilty!) and our own hats (again, happily [though not so successfully] guilty!), the word "insanity" does not suffice.

  7. HA! I agree. In fact, there are not just marshmallows available at your local supermarket but lots of yummy baked goods. Already baked! I can't even look at my pinterest feed anymore . I guess starting Jan 1 all the posts will be about diet and exercise which may be worse!

  8. I can't imagine making homemade marshmallows. But I am guilty of perhaps the biggest and most fun waste of baking ingredients ever - the gingerbread house, so I can't make accusations. As long as people are having fun, have at it. But marshmallows?

  9. Yes, I had noticed that you'd gone missing. And the only time one needs marshmallows is when you are at Girl Scout Camp and it's time to make 'Smores! Merry Christmas!

  10. Homemade marshmallows? INSANITY.
    I've been missing in action myself, so I hope you are doing well and even better than me (because I worked on the 24th and today and probably tomorrow and GOOD GRIEF can I please have a week off? um, nope...)

  11. Yes, noticed you were missing. Wondered if you had knitted yourself into a mitten! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  12. I've been hoping "missing" meant "snuggled cozy under a blanket with a hot toddy" rather than "performing holiday-related fisticuffs at an overpriced mall". Glad you're okay.
    Confession: I have made marshmallows. I like to cook, and it was a challenge. FWIW, turns out marshmallows really enhance the texture of my kitchen ceiling. And counters. And canisters. And my hair. And pants.
    Remember the Tar Baby? yeah. It was like that.

  13. I'm all for saving time and money. That said, I've eaten a homemade marshmallow. It was delicious. And it made a store bought marshmallow taste like foam rubber.

  14. I've found cooking to be therapy. I made homemade biscotti and was so proud of myself lol.

  15. I've been missing myself--'tis the season. I hope your Christmas went well. Mine was . . . memorable--one of those best of/worst of times things.

  16. I suspect you are missing from the blogosphere because of something more important than yarn or marshmallows, or marshmallow stuck to yarn, so I said a prayer for you last night during my post-prandial.

    1. General mid-life malaise, I would say. Nothing funny ever happens anymore - or, at least, I can't find the funny. Teens are so boring. Also, I need more sleep. I'm boring, too.

    2. Well, you've been making a record of your life (and 7 others) for quite some time, and you've been writing complete essays, and maybe you could take a break. Samuel Pepys (which I just learned is pronounced "peeps") wrote a diary for 10 years while he was a very unimportant person at the British Admiralty and had time on his hands, and it is considered very important by historians of the 17th century who can tell their department chairs after a two week bender that they were researching something "in Pepys and I swore it was in volume 32 but it turned out to be in volume 68." And then Pepys took a much more important position (leaving him no time to keep a diary) in his father's family's seasonal, freakishly-shaped, marshmallow business. His mother's family was in yarn, but to tell the truth they were all in yarn in the 17th century, but only after someone knitted it.
      So my point is, keeping a blog can be admirabilty.
