Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Snow What?

After an ugly, boring winter, we are FINALLY witnessing the beautiful transformation snow enacts on our suburban landscape. Sure, it's officially spring, but better late than never, is what I say. My apologies to those Maine relatives of mine who are expecting their 57th nor'easter this week, but boy are we happy! Bring it on!

See? Even those electrical transformers look
 picturesque when capped by snow

I mean, heck, it'll all melt by Thursday morning anyway. Which I'm sure will make my tulips happy...

That's one confused looking tulip.

So today is the perfect day to finally finish knitting my sweater. Actually, I was going to finish it last night, but I decided to go to bed before 2 AM instead. I'll get up extra early, I thought. I'll finish it in time to wear it in the snow.

How's that getting-up-early plan workin' for ya? 

So yeah, that didn't exactly happen. But if I work fast enough today, I can still wear it in the snow before I have to pack it away until next fall. Just half a sleeve and a neckband to go!

Larry made us blueberry pancakes, because that's what one does on a snow day.

If I had any photography skills, this could
have been a really cool picture.

I mean, aside from knitting, of course...and making hot cocoa for returning sledders. As you can see, I have a busy day mapped out for myself, and time's a-wastin'! Also, Larry's home today - I can't let him think I spend my whole day talking at invisible people on the internet...I mean, the man still hasn't gotten over the whole GoogleHome incident last Father's Day.

So I need to go. Enjoy your snow, if you are as lucky as we are! Enjoy your blooming forsythia, the rest of you!


  1. Snowed all morning and now it's gone. Please God, let that be the end of winter. I hope you have enjoyed your snow day!

  2. I hope you enjoyed your snow day - I was cursing it...even though it didn't stick. I am done with winter and ready to move on. I'm also done with the wet weather.

  3. knitting, blueberry pancakes, a winter wonderland .... sounds perfect

  4. That snow is gorgeous. I love fresh snow on trees and bushes, but hate dirty icy snow on the street later on. Glad you enjoyed it.

  5. This was the perfect snowstorm. Down here in Cville, we got enough to justify working from home, but it was melting by late afternoon and this morning, it's not even super icy. Five stars. Would experience again.

  6. You've had epic amounts of snow. Biblical. Oy.
