Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yeah, I'm Stupid

Today I went out canvassing and agreed to share a route with another woman who showed up. She was very nice. I know she was nice because she continued to speak with me after I asked her when she was due.

She wasn't. Not at all. Nope.

My whole day was like that.

I'm over at MidCenturyModernMoms today, talking about teens, and learning, and humor (or something like that). I think I even manage not to offend anyone in the post. Miracles never cease.


  1. Ouch! If it helps any, I've done that. Once. I've made sure to never do it again. That stinks. Sorry.

  2. The original post of the one below is still showing up in Reader. I don't know what that means for your local censors. But how about bike riding for exercise?

    As for your foot-in-mouth, when I was pregnant with my first I gained nearly 50 lb and felt monstrously huge. I used to make myself feel better by identifying people as "fat, not pregnant." But, you know, not to their face.

  3. What?! What happened Saturday that the censors can't handle?! My curiosity is killing me.

    And don't feel so bad about asking her when she's due. I'm not sure why you shouldn't, but you definitely shouldn't. Save your strength for more important things -- like political diatribes. I know I do. ;)

  4. Oh I'm so sorry. That's awful. This is why I don't ask woman who are 8 months pregnant when they are due. I'm so terrified.

    But don't worry. We've all done it. or had it done to us.

  5. Ouch. My husband's policy is to refuse to ask any woman when she's due unless she's actively having contractions. And even then he hesitates. Glad she was nice about it! 'Course she could be blogging about it ... somewhere ... :-D

  6. that was you today? it was nice to meet you-and no i am not pregnant thats just my beer belly! ;-)

  7. Oh my God. I did that and the woman GLARED at me. I offerred to stab myself as soon as I got home and the look on her face said, "Good idea".

  8. I remember when I was in about 8th grade, someone asked my sister, who was a senior in high school when she was due. She did NOT look pregnant, maybe had a tiny gut on her. I learned that day that you NEVER ask anyone when they are due or if they are pregnant. I seriously don't even dare to ask someone who is very clearly pregnant...because I know someone who looks very clearly pregnant (and gets asked all the time when she is due) and she isn't pg. SO, fortunately, I learned that lesson very young!

  9. And I know this! Yet, I did it anyway.

  10. YOu DIDN'T!

    I NEVER ask anyone anymore for fear of this exact thing.


  11. ...[smirk]...[cry]...[teary smile]...

    I don't know how to respond to this. It's so hilariously horrible.


  12. It really was. I was completely lost. Dumbfounded. Confused. I was so sure she was pregnant, I just couldn't recover. I stopped just short of asking her, "Are you sure?"

  13. Oh Lord. You poor thing! I have a friend who we all think is preggers, but no one dares to ask. She'll have a baby and we'll all act surprised I believe because we're too afraid to be wrong!

  14. Oh honey. The Matron SO lives in fear of doing this that she waited until a teacher at her children's school was a definite 8 months preggers before DARING to say congratulations. You're right. She was NICE.

  15. Oh NO! I'm always afraid of doing that so I never ask. At the funeral last week I had someone ask me when Hubby's cousin was due. I'm soooo glad she asked me because I was able to let her know that, no, no baby was on the way. The woman was mortified and she didn't even ask the cousin!

  16. This has happened to me more than once (dear lord, I need a tummy tuck).

    My husband learned the hard way that you don't ask a woman if she's pregnant unless you see the baby coming out of her.

  17. I think that is the story of my life.
    I try to avoid "when are you due?" questions.
    But..I stick my foot in my mouth almost daily because I try to be the funny lady.
    Sorry that happened to you.

  18. I want to hear about the rest of your day...

  19. once when i was pregnant,just for fun, someone asked me when i was due and i whispered "I'm NOT!!" She almost fainted dead away with embarrassment. I'm evil like that

  20. Yes, you are evil. Now I'm wishing I could get pregnant again just to be able to play that trick.

  21. I'm thinking having another kid is totally worth the practical joke

  22. Oh, that's a "moment." Don't know who it's worse for, the commentator or the hapless victim.

  23. Oh I hate it when I do things like that. I feel so stupid and wish the ground would open up and swallow me.
