Friday, November 28, 2008

Random Thoughts On A (Not) Snowy Morning

I'm fine. Really. Just got to get going and make breakfast for a bunch of you think they want their turkey cold, or warmed up?

(Don't worry - they're getting pie with it.)

Could someone answer a really dumb question? How the heck does one use Twitter? From what I can see, I have to go to a webpage, log on, and post. Is there a different way to do it? Because that doesn't seem spontaneous enough to me...

And how do you know when someone you "follow" Twitters? Do you have to keep checking the webpage?

I want to use Twitter because everyone else is doing it. I guess none of us ever really escape the siren call of peer pressure, do we?

Oh, and all you folks up in Canada - could you stop making me jealous with all those blog pictures of beautiful snow scenes in your backyards? Where I'm at, everything is brown. With a little tired green thrown in. It doesn't exactly shout "Christmas!" In fact, it's downright boring.

I'm not going shopping today. If the economy tanks, y'all can blame me.


  1. You've basically nailed Twitter. Keep checking. Keep refreshing. Keep driving yourself nuts. Plurk is where it's at. So much more fun.

  2. I am so uncool...I don't twitter ( occasionally I titter, but never twitter) and I have never gone out on Black Friday, because frankly I am not that brave.

  3. If you use Firefox you can download an add-on that puts twitter in the lower corner of your browser and you can update right from it and receive updates from it in real time.

  4. you can set up your cell phone, and both send yours and receive other people's by text message. or can turn off the receive part. (as far as checking other people, they do also have a rss feed for each person that you can add to a reader and not have to check back)

  5. You can twitter from your cell phone. You just need a phone that can text message. Of course, you'll be wanting the unlimited text messaging on your cell phone plan. I just started using Twitter a couple of days ago, and I follow fewer people on my phone than on the website. You have to add your phone as a 'device' then you send a text to the Twitter number (40404) that says 'follow' then the persons user name you want to follow. Good luck!

  6. I use twitter on my cell phone, but I'm not sure I could tell you how. It was trial and error. With the help of the "Help" menu.

  7. Not doing the shopping thing either over here--just can't stomach the idea of going and being smashed into stores with untold multitudes of my favorite strangers...

    Okay, Twitter can be a bit more spontaneous if you want--you can text message a tweet from your cell. When you sign up for Twitter, you'll received a mobile code--you go to your messaging/text command on your cell phone, put in the mobile code from twitter, tap out your message and hit send---ta-da. Stream of consciousness....


  8. I had the sense that Twitter was for the iPhone/Blackberry crowd. I may be totally wrong.

  9. Use TweetDeck for Twitter. Only way to go, IMO.

  10. i am fighting the peer pressure of twitter and facebook....

  11. I use twitter to, though it took me a while to get it. It seemed a bit boring, but now it's fun! Be sure to let us know your twitter e-mail addy so we can follow you! :)

  12. Nothing like a Thanksgiving leftover breakfast. One year I did a turkey breakfast enchilada.

    I personally use Twitter though my cell phone most of the time.

  13. "Twitter" makes me think, "Did I remember to refill the birdfeeder this week...?"

    We had pumpkin bread for breakfast, only because I can't get the apple crisp out of the back of the fridge. ;)

    The Husband woke up at 4:30 just because, and figured, "Why not go buy Nerf guns and some shorts?" I woke up to both kids whining and complaining -- and no friggin' idea where my husband was!

  14. Um, I think we're beyond the point of pointing fingers and assigning blame here. Just serve up the pie with a side of milk and don't worry about twitter.

  15. That's EXACTLY what Twitter is. instant messaging ON CRACK. It's fabulous.

    And they have all sorts of plug ins so you can be notified every time someone follows/unfollows you of whatever.

    Seriously, good times.

  16. Blame me too. I slept in instead. (O Glorious Sleep!)

    I have twitter and occasionally use it. It makes sense when I use Flock because then I can see updates on a sidebar. Flock is a social networking browser: it rocks the blogging and twitter updates, but it doesn't make me very happy with my e-mail account.
    We currently have Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Flock as browser options. (Don't ask me how, dh does all that!)

  17. Twitter is the devil incarnate.

  18. After messing around with it for the past hour or so, I am beginning to think that you may be right.

  19. Don't worry, my daughter is out there helping the economy. Me, I'm out to destroy it. I just don't get twitter either. I think it's only really useful if you hook up to it on your cell phone, but I so don't get it. How do you get anything done if you're busy writing about what you're doing?

  20. I have tried twitter... after seeing it on something... oh I know the Flylady site... you can download apps like twitterdock and keep them running and they automatically tweet when someone updates... I don't like it. Saying something in a few words is ugh... besides... no one in my family twitters so why bother? They all use myspace and if I want to know what they are doing I log on there and they have all updated their status on there...

  21. Actually, I love Twitter, but FriendFeed intergrates most of your stuff in one spot. You can add Facebook,Twitter,Youtube Faves,Blog RSS Feeds etc... I log onto FriendFeed to see everyone's updates from these things.

    As for the Canadians showing ncie snowy scenery, well, live with it, it's our reality. :P {lol}

    It is so white right now, the buses weren't running this morning. The snow is still coming down in bucketfulls and we have a severe snow warning in effect. Oh, I dug out the car and drove the kids to school this morning because no way in heck were they staying home today after already having a PD day {Canadian thing, I think ~ but basically they don't go to school} on Friday and a very long weekend of craziness. We had a bunch of little girls come over for a sleepover party on saturday. Lets just say that all the kids are cranky. So they went to school, regardless of the amount of snow we have piled up in front of our door.

    Seriously though, the snow is beautiful, but it gets very tiring after about a month of digging up everything. And the dressing the kids like the Michelin Man, bundled up nose-tip to toe-tip. And the constant :"I'm too cold, I want to come in." I tell them :"You're Northerners, tough it up. Just run around and jump to warm up, that's what we used to do." I remember losing feeling in my toes form staying outside so long {all day} as a kid. Am I mean to think they shoudl play outside, even in the winter? And, it's not like -40 Celcius or anything. It is maybe about -10 to -15 Celcius. Seriously not that cold! :)

  22. I have wondered about twitter as well, maybe you will have to post a tutorial when you figure it out. I am sure I will get on board in about a year. I am behind the times like that.
    I won't be shopping either, 9 years at a toy store will pretty much cure a person of ever wanting to shop again in your life. Never mind Black Friday, that is out of the question.
