Friday, October 15, 2010

7 Quick Takes: Multitasking

RobinH used some of her valuable time to tell me a new way to paste that 7-Quick-Takes image up there.  Of course, she didn't hesitate to use complicated terms like "Picasa web album" and "photo code" in her explanation; she even threw the phrase "memory buffer" at me in a naked attempt to finish me off.  Ruthless, she is...

But I don't scare easy;  and there the image is, in all its shining glory.  Apparently, one can teach an old dog new tricks.  Or, at least, RobinH can.

I'm trying to work at my paid employment, I swear it.  But the wifi in this place is so slow (how slow is it?), I'm thinking there is a circa 1995 modem involved, maybe powered by an underpaid Central American pedalling away in the back of the store.

 You know, if I used one of those bike generators to power my monitor, I wouldn't have to do this Weight Watcher's nonsense.  And every time Larry would complain that I am spending too much time blogging,   I could just say, "But I'm exercising!"

Just now, I almost bid 500 dollars for a pair of pants and a shirt (girls size 8 slim).  I'm thinking I need to pay more attention to what I am doing.  Multitasking is not necessarily my friend.

 Speaking of which, I almost burned down the house today trying to cook popcorn on my 2-burners-in-the-grave, not-dead-yet stove.  I walked away for a moment to do I-know-not-what, and the next thing I knew my kitchen was filled with smoke.  It wasn't a good moment.

Incidentally, I think I managed to finish off a third burner.  Silver lining!

Maybe I should buy something here before the baristas kick me out.  Too bad I don't drink coffee.  I've got my eye on a fetching little Walker's shortbread cookie, though.  


Over and out to you, Jennifer! Odds are, you aren't so shallow as to rhapsodize over buttery baked goods in your 7 Quick Takes

[Bike Generator image credit: PedalPowerGenerator]


  1. I love the idea of powering your computer with a stationary bike! That would be such good motivation!

  2. You don't drink coffee? I am stunned.

  3. Shallow? Buttery baked goods are the windows to the soul.

  4. How old is your stove? Lowes or home depot should have the replacement elements if you can find the model number. Most just slide into place. Otherwise, if the control unit for each burner is not functioning either, by the time you get a multimeter and test each one for shorts, or pay a repairman to troubleshoot and replace parts, you are looking at $150 or more for professional repairs. Invest the money in a new stove... :)

  5. Ah, we're going to make a computer geek out of you yet! Well done.

    And I replaced my stove a couple years go when I took out the old element, and the housing it plugged into crumbled and fell off in little plastic chunks. Pieces falling off = bad, that's my feeling.

  6. My husband has threatened to get one of those bike generators. He's scary, that man...
    Mmmmm... shortbread biscuits!
