Monday, November 15, 2010

Alone Again, Naturally...

Larry left me...again.  You know, this gets old.  You'd think he'd know better, considering how I managed to spend about 1500 dollars last time he took an extended business trip.

I'd better be getting some decent chocolate out of this abandonment, that's all I can say. Ghirardelli, maybe?

[image credit: Adorable Gift Baskets]


  1. Yes, Ghiradelli,
    AND a very large yarn allowance.

  2. Definitely!

  3. At the VERY least.

  4. Um. I'm not complaining. Just surprised. National Clean Out Your Fridge Day was either Sunday or Monday (my sources aren't in agreement). I thought you would be celebrating.

    And yes, Larry does owe you some good chocolate.

  5. You had me at the picture....I'm willing to agree with anything you say.

  6. Just hope he doesn't bring bedbugs home with him. Mine has one, maybe two, business trips in December, one international one that isn't planned yet because it all hinges on the person in Poland who wants him there, and she was on vacation. Not like I need to plan my kid's birthday or, you know, holiday stuff, Lady in Poland. Sigh.

    --(the same) amy

  7. Amy, I am trying SO HARD not to think about the bedbugs!

  8. My husband travels too, and I worry more and more about the bedbugs - because he doesn't. AAAGH!

    And Costco has lovely Ghiradelli gift baskets this time of year that you could, say, gift yourself with if Larry doesn't. I'm just sayin'.
