Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing here tonight folks, not even a funny video. It was just one of those days where the little ones got to witness yet another...um... discussion between Mommy and their teen sister about money, appropriate expectations, responsibility, etc. (So maybe I won't have to go over it with them when they are teens? I can only hope.) Ants are invading, there is a cricket hopping somewhere around my bedroom, centipedes are taking over our home. Everyone still wants to eat 3 times a day, plus snacks. There were the requisite 3 loads of laundry to do. Theo informed me that he threw out his Chemistry textbook from last year because he didn't think I would need it. Why should I need it again? Just because he has 5 younger siblings who are also homeschooled? Just more proof that these kids think we are made of money....

Oh, and I'm a Weight Watchers recidivist again. Ain't we got fun?

But there was one bright spot: it was free ice cream cone day at Ben and Jerry's. We took full advantage of that. Just like last year, actually...

Reading that last link makes me realize that I have been trying to potty-train Susie for well over a year. We're getting there, folks; we're getting there. My life right now is just one long rerun. There really is nothing new under the sun...

[Edited Thursday to add: Whew! No wonder I couldn't find my sense of humor last night - I was coming down with the nasty virus that has already felled several members of the family in the past couple of weeks. The funnies should return as soon as I feel better.]

[Whoops! I meant Wednesday - edited Wednesday]


  1. So after you have had your "discussion" with your teen do the younger ones come telling you they have done the dishes, taken out the trash and cleaned their rooms - all in the hopes of diffusing Mom's anger so it doesn't strike them down where they stand?

    Makes me laugh every time. Little stinkers.

  2. I'm recidivistic, too, only with low-carbing. Sometimes, you just need someone telling you what to do. For a bit, at least.

  3. But your reruns are so way better than anything going on in my life! And I totally forgot about free Ben & Jerrys' today. Boo hoo.

  4. Well I'll praise God he didn't throw anything new at you... I don't know if you could have fit it in.

    Here's to free icecream and automatic washing machines:)

  5. I actually think it helps the littler ones a little to hear the fights. A really, really little, but you take what you can get!

  6. I often feel like my life is a constant re-run too. Glad to have some company on the treadmill.

  7. Ants are invading here too! It's driving me bonkers. Supposedly you can kill them by sprinkling Mule Team Borax any where you see them and they will carry it back to the nest and it will kill them all. I haven't been able to do it yet, but will be as soon as I can get to the store to buy some. Since I use it for laundry anyway, I figure it won't hurt, could help and I'm not spreading poisonous chemicals around my house.

  8. Free ice cream can make me happy in a nano-second.

  9. and everyone STILL wants three meals a day??!!

    really. the nerve.

  10. I have two of the Chemistry textbooks and I only need one, so you can have one (if you let me keep your card table. Just joking!).

  11. My sister and my mom fought like that, so I made the decision (pact with myself) to never do that. I pretty much succeeded, so there *is* hope!
    Doesn't it drive you crazy that they think they need to eat YET AGAIN?!?

    I'm sorry to hear you are sick. Your body has a strange way of celebrating Earth Day every year.

    PS: I wish we had free crickets -- I'm tired of buying them every week for SnakeMaster's gecko. My kitchen sounds outdoorsy, thanks to that being the room where we house the cricket keeper.

  12. you know i did really well last week on WW and then this week? not so much- i've been eating everything i see 'cause i have been starving since last monday.

  13. Oh man! The cricket in the bedroom thing. You hear the cricket, you get up, it stops, you go back to bed. You hear the cricket, you get up, it stops... The Husband and I used to call him "Mister Lucky". Once you catch him, you can say, "So, how lucky do you feel lucky NOW?!"

    Good luck with the ants... Spring has brought out all the baby lizards here -- shall I send you one to take care of the bugs? ;)

  14. Oh my god the ants. As soon as it warms up I start getting twitchy and checking around the foundation for the little @#$&%s. I have to go clean my kitchen now, just in case.

  15. I hope you're feeling better soon!

    And if it makes you feel better, we've got silverfish all of a sudden. Lots of them. They like to hang upside down over my bed.

    *sprinkles Borax/starch mixture with abandon*

  16. I'm glad to know that someone else has been working for a long time to toilet train their preschooler.

    Congrats on the free ice cream--we don't have B&J stores in MN...apparently they think since we live in the tundra 24-7-365, we don't like ice cream. ;)

  17. Ant's I am sure they are on their way to my house..... But for now we get the wasps! OOdles of fun!

  18. I find re runs comforting! Enjoy the day. :)

  19. I remembered about the free ice cream day at Ben & Jerry's, I was just too sick to go get any.

    We have ants too. If I felt well enough, I would actually go buy an few ant motels to house the little stinkers.

    That cricket in your room, does he sing "When you wish upon a star?" If so, he might be useful.

    Why don't you just plant one of those money trees in your yard. Apparently, our kids think we have one growing in ours.

    I hope you get feeling better. I know I'm not.

  20. hoo boy, that's a lot of...stuff.


  21. I think discussions with a teen, weight watching and crawly bugs would wear me out, too.

  22. We've got stinkbugs. I'll send them on over. You're welcome.

  23. hmmmm is it weird that I have those types of talks with my 8 year old?

  24. Speedy recovery...send Larry out for more icecream.
