So, in an unwonted fit of organized creativity, I not only managed to procure the proper paints and brushes since our return a mere week ago, I also actually painted a piece of furniture.
![]() |
True, it's very small, but you have to start somewhere. |
Susie is completely enamored of the color. "We should paint EVERYTHING purple," she said, as I brushed on the paint like the pro I am. I was similarly enthusiastic - that is, until the sun moved to the front of the house and I was stuck painting on the wax finish in approximately 90-degree heat. But, hey, I managed to get the finishing coat on, which is more than I can say for the last time I attempted something like this.
In other news, I can't keep up with the food consumption around here. Even with Brian away (he left us for Seattle, where he and a friend are staying in the friend's aunts house and living like kings for two weeks), I still have 4 kids to feed and I can't cheat by ordering a pizza, since Theo is here. I'm back to running the dishwasher twice a day, and baking breakfast goodies every other day, and generally doing what I did for, oh, I don't know, 15 or 16 years, before people starting growing up and leaving home.
I am entirely impressed by my younger self. She was very energetic, apparently.
In other other news, I woke up to a dead Fitbit this morning, which means I got NO credit for my morning jog/walk/stagger today. But it had charged up by the time I got back and now I have over 12,000 steps already, so TAKE THAT, Younger Self. I also weeded part of the back patio and sprayed natural anti-mosquito spray all over the vegetation and generally acted like a responsible homeowner, for once.
I know, shocking. I barely recognize myself. I blame the sudden drop in humidity levels (or dew point, as you weather geeks insist). I don't want to lose my momentum, so I'll sign off here. Tomorrow, I can discuss camping and our pop-up trailer and how Larry and I might maybe - just maybe - be getting the hang of this thing.
Hasn't the lack of humidity been wonderful?! Not that I know where you live, but I have a feeling it might be close enough on the East Coast that we are sharing similar weather...great. Now I sound like a stalker! Sorry.
ReplyDeleteAhem - great job on painting the chair and getting things done!
I want to know about the natural mosquito repellant! I have a sister in Alabama that really battles mosquitos but hesitates with spraying poison all over where her toddler plays.
ReplyDeleteOne of your superpowers is picking the right color.
ReplyDeleteAnother one is having enough energy to apply that color.
And all while doing all that other stuff. You know, I have noticed that no one else in my family ever takes it upon themselves to bake breakfast goodies.
You are incredible--seriously one busy woman.
ReplyDeleteAnd I kind of agree with Susie about painting EVERYTHING purple.
I've heard of this chalk paint phenomenon, but I haven't tried it myself.
You are making me think that chalk paint is a good idea. However, I don't think I have enough oomph to assemble the supplies AND actually complete the task. Apparently I'm the sort of crafter who assembles supplies and stops there; evidence abounds throughout my house of this phenomenon. My older self is TIRED.
ReplyDeleteGod I have 2 teenagers and we are out of everything. I've kind of been on strike on shopping/cooking lately. Last night I pulled out some bread and butter and left over cheese from camping (not sure how they didn't eat that yet) and made grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Oh look we should be good for at least another day of dinners with those haha