Working on the fifth
Lopi tote, folks - I'm getting there. I think I'll get everything done, so long as I knit constantly between now and December 18th.
Theo is home. I keep forgetting he is here and I get startled each time he walks into a room.
Does that only happen to me?
Larry, David, and Brian are all going on the Winter Survival camp out for Boy Scouts this weekend. Sounds Really. Guess I'll just have to hold down the (comfortably warm) fort here at home. I'm okay with that.
Oh, yes, Larry and I had a little disagreement this week. Something to do with a shirt that had gone missing...
Larry: Hey, have you seen my shirt?
Me: Shirt? What shirt?
Larry: The one hanging on the back of the bathroom door - I was going to wear it to church.
Me: Oh, the one that didn't match the khaki pants you're wearing? The ugly plaid one with the blue background and yellow stripes?
Larry: Yeah, the new plaid one from LLBean. I
like it. Where is it?
Me: I don't know.
He's cute when he looks confused like that.
I'll look like this, only without those lips |
I swear, I don't interfere with Larry's wardrobe much. But I can't look at him in Scotch plaid flannel. I just can't. Scotch plaid looks okay on a burly type of guy. On skinny guys, though? Plaid looks dorky, no matter how attractive the skinny guy is. Plus, his dad (a very nice man, may he rest in peace) wore plaid.
With suspenders. If Larry insists on wearing that shirt, I'm going to dye my hair orange-ish red, just like my mom and all her friends did in their late 60's and 70's.
"What's with the orange hair?" Larry would ask me. "Is it an old Jewish lady thing?"
I don't know, Larry. But what's with the damn plaid? Is it an old New England guy sort of thing? IS IT?
Jennifer is way too busy to confiscate her husband's plaid shirt. For more Quick Takes, visit her at
Conversion Diary!