Hey! I can blog from the bathroom with this new blogging app for my IPod Touch.
No pictures, though...I have to draw the line somewhere.
Now I'm wondering just why anyone would want to blog from the bathroom. Of course, I don't know why anyone would want to use the amazing technology that is the Internet to share dumb pictures of cats, either; but they do.
Says the person who posts pictures of her mouldy leftovers...
Hmmm...I can't seem to find italics here. I don't think I can blog without italics. And boldface - where's my boldface type?
I must persevere, regardless. Because really, this post is a cry for help - an urgent plea from those of us inundated with the plague that is/are stinkbugs. It is freezing cold outside, which means - according to my extensive research - that these nasty creatures should all be peacefully hibernating in my attic.
Apparently, no one has told the stinkbugs that valuable piece of information. They are here in the bathroom. They are in the den. For all I know, they lie in wait for me in the bedroom. Resistance is futile. If you never hear from me again, you will know why. But I will go down fighting.
Gah - typing on this tiny keyboard is making me nauseous. Must. Stop. Now.